I'm proud of you Brian keep up the good work. Fantastic stories. Look forward to all that you write.

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Thank you!!!

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Good stuff Brian. My two cents on frequency of writing: as often as you can crank out stuff you’re proud of and like. In Substack land, I want to hear clear, authentic writing, and the moment people start ginning up posts to meet an arbitrary schedule, I can feel it. You don’t owe your audience anything other than your authentic, committed voice.

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Thanks, Tom, I appreciate you saying that. It has crossed my mind that readers would enjoy a different frequency of quality than no quality at all. I just need figure out that frequency part 😁

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TMy personal (and overstated) opinion is that people who insist on publishing multiple times a week doom themselves to publishing crap and filler and they alienate their audience as a result ... with a few exceptions.

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And damn, Substack, how about letting us edit our comments so we don’t send mistakes!!! :)

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Odd that editing only exists on the web version. 🤔

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I love reading about your writing journey. Best wishes on your next story submission, Brian! It sounds like you have so many exciting ideas brewing. I can’t wait to see how your short story collection turns out! I was able to put in a solid hour or two of “work” last night on my own. Isn’t it so much fun thumbing through your stories and trying to piece it all together? I’ve been enjoying the process, but I’m having some trouble selecting which stories to include.

Keep going, my friend. Thanks for always being a source of inspiration!

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Thanks, Justin! It's funny you mention the work of putting the stories together. I thought for sure I would hate that part. Like, formatting the manuscript and putting the stories into place would be really boring, but it's been surprisingly exciting! It's those finishing touches that make it a reality. I seriously never thought I would get to this point and all of a sudden here it is. I'm excited for your short story collection as well - it's really great to be at a similar stage in our writing journey to share with each other how it's all coming along. Right now, I only have one story I'm contemplating leaving out of the collection. It's my first or second that I published here on Substack, and I'm just not sure it's a good fit. Here's to finding the right mix!

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Couldn’t agree more with you! It’s been so much fun trying to figure out the order, layout, etc. Like you mentioned, I think the exciting part is realizing that this is becoming a reality, and one step in the right direction is progress.

I’m contemplating having a few sections in the collection, like purely flash fiction, then a speculative fiction section, and finally a small space for some of my fifties. I am back and forth with it, but it seems to be working itself out. 😄

Have fun the rest of the way!

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