Jan 11Liked by Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

My kids are too young to stay up for new years so no fireworks, no kisses, no nothing, but your tradition sounds really nice

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Jan 13Liked by Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

Our tradition was to stay up and watch the Three Stooges Marathon. We'd record it on VHS and I'd be in charge of hitting pause during the commercials so they wouldn't end up on the tape. We'd usually camp out on the living room floor, too. I still have to watch at least a few episodes of the Stooges on NYE as an adult or I feel weird, but I've yet to pass this tradition down to my children. 🙂

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Jan 11Liked by Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

I've never looked at New Year's quite that way. It has always felt like turning a corner, releasing what's old and looking forward to the new. There was no agonizing or grandiose pictures of the future, no connection to success, at least for me. I'v never been a party-goer, either, and these days we seldom stay up past ten, even for New Year's. But I love the idea of a family celebration, a way to make it a special time.

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Jan 11Liked by Brian Reindel 👾⚔️


I enjoyed the first person post the most

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